Friday 29 January 2010

Location report

The majority of our filming will take place at a graveyard in Burwell.

We will travel by bus from Cambridge, on the Newmarket 10. There is a bus stop directly outside the church so its convenient for us all.

Before filming we will ask permission from the vicar of the church, to make sure we are being respectful.

We will keep the equipment in the church or one of our friends houses who lives next door to the church if it starts to rain. If it does start raining we will film the sequence where our main character wakes up, so then we don't waste any camera time.

The dream sequence will be filmed at Chloe's house in Sawston, because two of our group will in the same village.This will be the route that we take whilst filming the opening. We need to know the route of where we're going because then the shot list and the storyboard matches up to what we are doing.

Shot 4 and Shot 5 will be filmed at the end of the 1st yellow line
Shot 6 and Shot 7 will be filmed along the 2nd yellow line and then as it turns
Shot 8 and Shot 9 will be filmed along the 3rd yellow line

Unfortunately we will not be using this location anymore because the priest didn't agree to us filming in his graveyard. For future reference we will always check before we plan because it would have saved us so much time.

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