Camera Work
The camera work is really good due to the variety of shots. The shots of the girl in the bed is really good, however it would of been better as a high angle shot. The 360 degree rotation shot is really good. The first small title would be better placed to the bottom left of the screen as the background is black.
When trying to film the shots of the girl in the bed, we tried to do a high angle shot of Catherine in the bed by placing the tripod onto the bed but it caused the camera to wobble and move when we didn't want it to, and the shot that we have in our opening is the highest that we can get the tripod from the ground. However we also agree with the comment about the first small title being in the wrong place, and for our final we will move it.
-Good use of editing
-Some of the titles are too big also there is too many names
-Good use of black and white to show it's a dream
-Flickering between the location is very good
For the titles we were going to break up the titles and have them flashing upon the screen however we ran out of time and weren't able to do it.
-The music helps create suspense and mystery
-The music needs to be more smooth
-The start of the section in the graveyard feels like there needs to be some speech and background noise in the beginning.
We agree that the sounds needs to be more smooth because it jumps in a lot of different places, for our final thriller opening we would like to re-work our music and spend more time on it. Unfortunately we don't think that we'll be able to recapture the background noise of the graveyard as we are not allowed but on location, so to overcome this we are planning to record other sound effects.
Mise En Scene
-Good use of props
-No Villain
We disagree with this being a convention because we decided to do a psychological thriller which doesn't need a villain as we think that her psychological problems are her villain and we need another actor/actress.